Author & Editor

Commentary: Reliance v. Raybestos ARIAS·U.S. 

Commentary: ALS v. AGM Marine Constructors ARIAS·U.S.

Special Editor, Commutations, AIRROC Matters

Author, "Why Not Arbitrate Coverage Disputes, The Review," The Insurance Advocate (July 1988); The Review

Co-Author, "Reinsurance Aspects of the Model Holding Company Act," Summer Meeting of American Bar Association Tort and Insurance Practice Session

"Under the Volcano-1987 NAII Reinsurance Issues"

Summary of ALS v. AGM Marine Constructors, ARIAS-US, 2008;

Summary of Reliance v. Raybestos, ARIAS-US, 2008; Special Editor,

Commutations, AIRROC Matters, Summer 2007;

Moderator, "A Roundtable Discussion: The Dynamics of the Commutation Process Examined through Multiple Lenses," AIRROC Matters, Summer 2007;

Moderator, "Reinsurance Claims and Collections," American Conference Institute, 2003;

"How Far is the Reinsurer Required to Follow the Fortunes of its Reinsured?"American Conference Institute, 2002;

"Non-Profit Directors and Officers Liability Issues," Professional Liability Underwriting Society National Convention, 1995;